Google Play Books Discount

For a limited time till 22 Feb, you can get one book at 90 percent discount in Singapore Google Play Books.

Yes, that's one dollar for a ten dollars book.

What's more enticing is the discount is on top of the current 30 percent discount of all eBooks!

Grab it quick if you are in Singapore.


New App - Switch Your DNS Setting

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An app to set your DNS to the servers you want, break free of ISP assigned DNS.

Switch your DNS setting to other free DNS servers of your choice. It runs as a VPN service in order to set the DNS setting.

DNS Changer - one press and change your DNS settings.


➤ No root required
➤ Simple to use
➤ Supports Tablet and smartphone
➤ Good resource management
➤ No frills, run with minimum RAM and CPU
➤ Supports WiFi / Bluetooth / Mobile Data Network (2G/3G/4G/LTE)
➤ Supports Android Jelly Bean onwards, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat
➤ DNS settings from Google, OpenDNS, FreeDNS, DNS Watch, OpenNIC, Alternate DNS
➤ Supports primary and secondary DNS servers
➤ Supports personal DNS servers
➤ Unblock content from ISP, access Geo blocked websites
➤ May improve web surfing
➤ Safe and Privacy focused, it does not connect to the Internet on its own
➤ No unnecessary function and permission
➤ Regular updates on functional DNS servers
➤ Unnecessary DNS are removed, you don't want to be swarmed with 20+ DNS choices
➤ Available DNS are picked for their strengths
➤ Free and no ads. Yes, no ads, that's more privacy for you.

Does not work with tether. It does not work because of Android design.

Coming soon:

- Auto rotate DNS

- Leak tests (

Get it here

Can you guess which country has this skyline?

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